Jun 30, 2018
Spoilers, swears and mental illness
Kate joins me to talk about the 1999 movie Girl Interrupted.
ANOTHER Winona Ryder movie, we are so close to becoming a Winona Ryder fan cast
Thanks to the U.S. Army Jazz Band for making Kelli's No. available on the free music archive.
Twitter: @theFrankenpod
Jun 22, 2018
We talk about black cats, cat myths, literary cats, podcast cats, cats in government, cats in walls, cats in Soviet Russia and cats on your dead wife's face.
Podcast Promos are Fanatic Fics and Brook Reading Club.
Our Blog is thefrankenpod.wordpress.com
Twitter is @thefrankenpod
And as always thank you to the U.S. Army...
Jun 9, 2018
Mystery! Scandal! Ellipses!
Linzi from 33% Pulp joins me to break down the elusive and almost entirely unromantic romance that is Rebecca by Daphne Du Maurier.
Spoilers, Swears and Unreliable Narrators
Thanks to the U.S. Army Jazz Band for making Kelli's number available on the Free Music Archive
Promos this week are...
Jun 2, 2018
Sorry guys we are running late!
Hopefully there will be an episode in the next couple of days but if not we will see you next Saturday.